Welcome to Palm Beach State College Video on Demand
From Ricardo Reyes
568 plays 0A quick look into Palm Beach State College. -
From Ricardo Reyes
431 plays 0A look into the Dr. Barbara Carey-Shuler Cross-Cultural Equity Institute at Palm Beach State College. For more information visit https://www.palmbeachstate.edu/CCEI/ -
From Caroline Sheikhnia
164 plays 0Local marine species have an unusual habitat in the form of an artificial reef sculpture created by more than 60 Palm Beach State College students. Weighing 10 tons… -
From Ricardo Reyes
348 plays 0Palm Beach State College's video contest submission entry to the Palm Health Foundation's 2019 Let's Move: Commit to Change Physical Activity Challenge.… -
From Jakub Szumelda
539 plays 0Spring 2019 Commencement - Morning -
From Jakub Szumelda
594 plays 0Spring 2019 Commencement -Afternoon -
From Jakub Szumelda
27 plays 0Spring 2019 Nursing Pinning Ceremony -
From Julienne Somera
47 plays 0Innovation Lab | TC 321 -
From Jakub Szumelda
153 plays 020th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, JR. Celebration -
From Ricardo Reyes
684 plays 0Palm Beach State College live commencement ceremony showcasing degree candidates in the Bachelor's Degree Programs, Associate in Science Degree, and Certificate… -
From Ricardo Reyes
747 plays 0Palm Beach State College afternoon commencement ceremony for students graduating with an Associate in Arts Degree. -
From Jakub Szumelda
258 plays 0Nurse Pinning Ceremony- Spring 2018 -
From Ricardo Reyes
82 plays 0The 19th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration was held at Palm Beach State College's Duncan Theatre at Lake Worth with special keynote speaker Symone… -
From Ricardo Reyes
138 plays 0Adam Ellick, New York Times correspondent and documentary filmmaker wil speak on "The Millions of Malalas" -
136 plays 0PBSC morning commencement ceremony showcasing graduates in the Bachelor’s Degree Programs, Associate in Science, Associate in Applied Science, and Certificate…
119 plays 0PBSC afternoon commencement ceremony showcasing graduates in the Associate in Arts Degree Programs.
From Caroline Sheikhnia
749 plays 0We are so proud of each and every one of our PBSC 2021 Spring Graduates. Get inspired by watching this recap of our Grad Walk. #PBSCgradwalk #PBSCgrad #PBSCgrad2021… -
From Caroline Sheikhnia
1,044 plays 0Responding to the growing demand for qualified medical assistants, PBSC now offers students two excellent choices to pursue this rewarding career: an A.S. in Medical… -
From Lydia Runkle
63 plays 0Celebrating PBSC employees' length of service at the college, as of 2020.