Search for tag: "spanish language"
Immigration in the Trump Era: Dreamers and the Future of Legal Migration to the United States2018 Spanish Language Celebration - Immigration in the Trump Era: Dreamers and the Future of Legal Migration to the United States Dr. Barbara Scheffer Isabel Castillo Aileen Josephs Dr. Jeannett…
From Julienne Somera
16 plays
The Influence of Islamic Art and Architecture in Spanish Culture2018 Spanish Language Celebration: The Influence of Islamic Art and Architecture in Spanish Culture Dr. Nazare Feliciano
From Julienne Somera
29 plays
2018 Spanish Language Celebration: Survival and ExileSurvival and Exile: The Story of Jewish Holocaust Refugees in Latin America Student Panel: Cat Bodie Allen Eney Rafel Hierro Lindsey Lovan
From Julienne Somera
66 plays
Themes in Modern Latino American Cultural NarrativesPresented by: Jenifer Skolnick, English professor Emmanuel Alvarado, Spanish professor
From Julienne Somera
32 plays
Spanish Language Celebration: The Trump Agenda & Immigration to the USModerated by: Bob Van Der Velde Panelists: Aileen Josephs, immigration attorney Jill Hanson, immigration attorney Isabel Castillo, immigration attorney Aliddy S. Diaz, student government president,…
From Julienne Somera
17 plays
President Obama's Immigration Plan - Myth, Realities and PossibilitiesIntroduction: Dr. Emmanuel Alvarado Moderator: Dr. Cary High Panelists: Associate Professor Maria Garcia-Landry Michelle Diaz Aileen Josephs Esq. Dr. Jeannett Manzanero
23 plays
Professor Alvarado - Los unos del pretérito e imperfectoSpanish language course on Preterite versus Imperfect tense
52 plays