Search for tag: "science day"

Science Day 2016: Giants of the Caribbean

Giants of the Caribbean Mr. Vincent Kneefel

From  Edward Candelers 9 plays 0  

Science Day 2016: Gravitational Waves

Gravitational Waves Professor Andrew Trupin

From  Edward Candelers 103 plays 0  

Science Day 2016: Practical Stewardship & Applied Science

Practical Stewardship & Applied Science…

From  Edward Candelers 9 plays 0  

Science Day 2016: Neuroscience at Max Planck Florida

Neuroscience @ Max Planck Florida Dr. Rebekah…

From  Edward Candelers 22 plays 0  

Science Day 2016: Sierra Club

Sierra Club Mr. Drew Martin

From  Edward Candelers 13 plays 0  

Science Day 2016: Wellness: Why, How, Where Part 2

Wellness: Why, How, Where Mrs. Lyn Becker

From  Edward Candelers 8 plays 0  

Science Day 2016 - Wellness: Why, How, Where

Wellness: Why, How, Where Dr. Gokarna…

From  Edward Candelers 14 plays 0  

Science Day 2016: Participants Interviews

Watch some of the great science displays…

From  Edward Candelers 27 plays 0  

Science Day 2016: Faculty and Special Guest Presentations

Wellness: Why, How, Where Dr. Gokarna…

From  Edward Candelers 49 plays 0  

Science Day

Science day at Natural Science Building, Lake…

From  MTIS_Admin 19 plays 0  

Science Day 2016

Lake Worth campus Science Day 2016

From  William Reddy 108 plays 0  


From  Billy Reddy 6 plays 0  


From  Billy Reddy 3 plays 0  


From  Billy Reddy 51 plays 0  


From  Billy Reddy 57 plays 0  


From  Billy Reddy 9 plays 0  

Prof. Vetaley Stahenko

Learn about the Bell Glade Barn Owl project

From  Billy Reddy 23 plays 0